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You made it! You crossed over! You have been blessed enough to see today! You have been blessed enough to read this message (hehe)!...

Let no man put asunder...?
We've probably all been to a wedding at some point in our lifetime, if not to your own then at least to somebody else's. A common phrase...

What's it gonna be?
There comes a point in life where you need to make a decision. You've been approaching this junction for quite some time but now it’s...

Imposter Syndrome
Have you ever heard of the Imposter Syndrome? It’s a real thing! For those who don’t know, the Imposter Syndrome refers to a...

Mirror, Mirror, Signal!
In our last post, I mentioned some tips that can be used to protect yourself from yourself. What about protecting yourself from others...

When temptation strikes, we can probably agree that all rational thinking goes out the window. Its allure has the ability to subdue your...

"Fighting Temptations"
I think a common misconception about marriage is that once you’ve crossed over, you have won the battle against the temptation. This may...

"Be Intentional"
"Be intentional about what exactly?" I hear you ask. Be intentional about putting in the work. The fight against complacency in marriage...

Let's have some fun!
The amount of times I've heard people say, "Marriage is hard work!" made me think, "Geez....why on earth would anybody want to get...

"Be kind to yourself"
You know what? It's not easy out here. In a world where negatives stick out like a sore thumb, it's very easy to feel a bit demotivated...
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