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The Five Love Languages
Now would probably be a good time to introduce to you the Five Love Languages, as put forward by Dr. Gary Chapman. According to Dr....

"Confronting Confrontation"
I understand that it can be a bit daunting facing difficult situations head on but I can assure you, the sooner you tackle them the...

“To fight or flight? THAT is the question!”
No, it really is! If you have been with your partner for a while, you will have no doubt butted heads on a few occasions. Please...

"You don't listen!"
It has been alleged that women are far more talkative than men and as a result, we men have become serial offenders in the area of "low...

"Say it after me... EM-PA-THY"
When my wife tells me about a problem she is having, I instantly turn into "Mr Fix It". It doesn't matter what the issue is - that hat...
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