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"Spend a little Quality Time"
For the next few weeks we'll touch on the five love languages highlighted in Dr Chapman's book. I've found that quality time takes on...

The Five Love Languages
Now would probably be a good time to introduce to you the Five Love Languages, as put forward by Dr. Gary Chapman. According to Dr....

"Is 'compromise' a dirty word?"
Some people seem to think so. Some people say it's just a ploy for her to get her own way. I'm not one of them. Nor do I believe this...

"The blame game is getting a little old now"
Is it her fault again? Really? So you didn’t have a part to play in it, no? You and I both know what the real answer to that question is....

"If you want to see change... CHANGE YOURSELF!"
By virtue of the fact that nobody is perfect, there is bound to be “something” you might want to change about your partner. Whether she...

"Be Strong and Courageous!"
Contrary to what the headlining image might imply, I'm not talking about being strong and courageous in the area of strength and...

Introducing...The Hubby Stones
Whether it's pearls of wisdom, gems of knowledge or nuggets of information, The Hubby Stones represent a collection of precious "stones"...
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