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"Managing Sexpectations" pt.4
Let's talk about the emotional sides of things for a moment. Ladies, we have feelings too you know! Rejection is real! In the early days...

"Managing Sexpectations" pt.3
When I got married, I assumed sex would be at my beckon call.... it wasn't. I was confused. I didn't understand. After questioning my...

"Managing Sexpectations" pt.1
This is one of those unspoken topics, one that is close to my heart and one that I don't think gets much attention, especially within the...

"Stay vigilant!"
There are seasons in life where certain "situations" come to test your marriage. They may come unexpectedly like a flood and all you have...

"Time for a Marriage MOT!"
I’m sure with it being the beginning of the new year an all, many of us have gone ahead and set up new year resolutions, organised the...

"Expose yourself!"
Over the past few weeks we have been talking a lot about boundaries within a marriage and the benefits of putting them in place. The...

"What are your motives?"
What are the motives behind what you do in your marriage? Are you trying to honour God by upholding the vows you said on your wedding day...

"No thank you."
Ouch! I know you've felt the pinch whenever she has given you the "No, I don't feel like doing that/watching that/eating that/having...

Take responsibility for YOUR actions!
Although this may be somewhat obvious to some, once you get married, you are required to bear each other's burdens. This is correct. What...
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