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"The Power of Agreement"
In our last post, we touched on what can be achieved when two come together in unity. The true strength in this oneness is in the power...

"Be your wife's cheerleader!"
Now , I'm not talking about grabbing some pom poms and screaming your wife's name wherever you go (you may get arrested for disturbing...

"Stay vigilant!"
There are seasons in life where certain "situations" come to test your marriage. They may come unexpectedly like a flood and all you have...

"Time for a Marriage MOT!"
I’m sure with it being the beginning of the new year an all, many of us have gone ahead and set up new year resolutions, organised the...

"Happy New Year!"
Welcome to 2018! Glad you could join us! It's gonna be a year to remember and we pray, for all the right reasons. We look forward to what...

"Loving the sound of your own voice?"
I know I do! I get a kick out of people listening to what I have to say, especially if it's something of substance. My wife loves my...

"Expose yourself!"
Over the past few weeks we have been talking a lot about boundaries within a marriage and the benefits of putting them in place. The...

"Take the initiative!"
One of the nice things about marriage is how comfortable you can become as your daily marital routine begins to unfold. You're in your...

It's important to have boundaries in a marriage as they demarcate a safe space for you and the Mrs to operate in freely without rocking...

"Are you an enabler?"
Deep question right? I feel that part of you knows the answer already. What do you reckon? I know I can be. It's not on purpose...
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