Introducing...The Hubby Stones

Whether it's pearls of wisdom, gems of knowledge or nuggets of information, The Hubby Stones represent a collection of precious "stones" acquired on one's journey to becoming a better husband. These jewels have been acquired from both personal experience and from the experience of others, both young and old, as well as from literature read, and courses attended in the area of Christian marriage.
I have found that men seldom seek help or advice concerning something as wonderfully complicated as marriage and as a result, run the risk of repeating the same mistakes of those who have come before them. My goal is to share with you my reality of marriage, both the good and bad, and shed some light on how we might want to tackle some of the taboo areas involved. Hopefully these nuggets will help allay some of the fears, concerns and misconceptions surrounding being a husband in the 21st Century.
It is my hope and prayer that you join me on this journey and that we grow together as we try and live our best lives through the marriages that God has blessed us with.
Ok...let's do this!