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"Be a cheerful Gift Giver!"

Now if anyone tells you that their love language is to receive gifts, tell them "it is a lie!". Ok, jokes aside. I was actually surprised to discover that the giving of gifts could be considered a love language but after testing it out on my wife, did I realise its power. It's not the actual gift that is communicating your love, it's the sentiment behind it that does! The fact that you took the time to pick out the right card with the right message inside it or buy that limited edition rose gold watch she mentioned in passing or that bottle of white wine you knew she needed after a long hard day at work, ALL of these gifts are a manifestation of love toward her. Cost is not really the issue here either. If all you can muster is an "I love you" on a steamed glass window after a hot shower just before she enters, so be it! Cue cheesy cliché - "It's the thought that counts".

cheerful gift giver

The best thing about a gift is that it serves as a permanent reminder to the person receiving it that they were being thought of at a particular point in time. Let's not be too obvious with it either. We already know she will expect a little something on her birthday, Christmas or an anniversary. Try surprising her in the middle of the working week for a change! Switch it up! Get creative! Let me know how it goes.

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